Aneta Musial
helps you find the right bank, completely free of charge.
Eiendomsfinans works with a number of banks to find the bank that is best adapted to the individual customer. No bank is best for everyone, but I’ll find the right one for you. The work I do is completely free for you as a customer.
Call me on 47 97 40 00

I started working in Eiendomsfinans in 2013 and work as a senior credit advisor. Since then, several hundred of my clients have bought their first apartment, changed their loan to a more favorable loan, got out of debt problems or found a consumer loan adapted to their needs. I have good qualifications and many years of experience from the financial industry, which means that I have built up a lot of trust among my customers.
We work with many banks, and thus have the opportunity to find the best solution adapted to the customer’s needs. My goal is to create a new perspective on the world of personal finance and build long-term relationships with the client by offering services at the highest level. I am your guide for navigating the maze of the financial market. I do my utmost to ensure that every customer is satisfied with the services I provide. My advisory proposals are always the result of the individual needs and possibilities of the customer. Has an education with a master’s degree in economics. Speaks Norwegian and English, but has Polish as my mother tongue.
Yours sincerely
-Aneta Musial
Pracę w Eiendomsfinans zakławlam w 2013 roku i pracuje na stanowisku starszego doradcy kredytowego. Od tego czasu już kilkuset moich klientów kupiło swoje pierwsze mieszkanie, wyzło kredyt na korzystniejszy, wyszło z zadłużeń, lub najlo kredyt gotówkowy dopasowany do swoich potrzeb. I have a wide range of qualifications, a wieloletnie experience in the financial sector, so that you can enjoy it.
Wspórpacuje z wieloma bankami, mając tym samym poznadzenie znalezienia najlepszego rozzego pożytnego do potrzeb klienta. Moim celem jest wykreowanie nowego spojrzenia na świat finansów przyszkowicz oraz budowanie długoterminowych reljaci z klientem poprzez dostarczanie usług na najszem poziomie. I am a guardian in przewodnikiem w poruskaniu się w gąszcz rynku finansowego. Dokładam wiszkiej starań, aby kadzy klient był zwidządze ze świadczonych przeze mnie usług, a zładane przeze mnie propozycje doradcze zawsze są wynikiem individuksi potrzeb i możynie klienta.
Z poważaniem
-Aneta Musial
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