Eiendomsfinans has created an external notification channel to make it easy and safe to report objectionable, unethical or illegal conditions in the business.
Both employees and external actors are encouraged to speak up or notify when they become aware of violations of laws and regulations such as:
- corruption and financial fraud
- breach of the company’s ethical rules
- violation of rules on the working environment
- inappropriate gifts or bonuses
- bullying, harassment, sexual assault or discrimination
- breach of personal data security
- breach of regulations related to various professional areas, for example confidentiality
Employees are encouraged to first discuss concerns or objectionable matters internally with their immediate manager or other persons in the company’s management before reporting via this external notification channel. However, it is up to each individual employee how they wish to notify.
This is not included in the notification scheme
The notification system is not intended to include feedback and questions related to the processing of cases. If you have questions related to your loan application or insurance, please contact your personal adviser or via firmapost@eiendomsfinans.no .
How to notify
By pressing this link you can submit a notice: https://trustcom.pwc.no/eiendomsfinans
Reporting through the notification channel will initially be received and processed by an independent third party, Advokatfirmaet PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), Dronning Eufemias gate 71, 0191 Oslo. PwC is dedicated to maintaining a high ethical standard and will handle all reports confidentially and professionally.
Handling notices
When notification is received to PwC, PwC will assess the notification and possibly obtain additional information about the specific event in the cases where it is necessary and possible. A compilation of the case with a recommendation on how Eiendomsfinans should handle the notification further, will be given to Eiendomsfinans. Notifiers will receive confirmation of received notification.
Notifiers can choose to be anonymous to Eiendomsfinans and PwC, anonymous only to Eiendomsfinans or provide contact information.
If the whistleblower chooses to be completely anonymous, the whistleblower’s identity will not be known to the person who receives the notification. The electronic solution facilitates anonymous communication with alerts. However, it will be easier to proceed with the notification if the notification provides information about their identity, as this often means easier access to facts and documentation, better proceedings and a better result for the parties involved. Anyone who reports possible concerns or objectionable circumstances must be able to do so without fear of reprisals.
If whistleblowers only wish to be anonymous to Eiendomsfinans, but not PwC, then PwC will not disclose the whistleblower’s identity to Eiendomsfinans.