Frederik Motzfeldt

Frederik Motzfeldt

helps you find the right bank, completely free of charge.

Eiendomsfinans works with a number of banks to find the bank that is best adapted to the individual customer. No bank is best for everyone, but I’ll find the right one for you. The work I do is completely free for you as a customer.

Call me on 478 88 089


Frederik Motzfeldt

Since 2016, I have fought to provide my customers with a better financial everyday life. Whether it’s about better terms on the mortgage or preventing forced sales. My tools are Eiendomsfinans’ large network, my willpower and good understanding of the customer’s needs.

A loan application process can be both time-consuming and complicated. I take care of this completely free of charge while you spend your time doing something else. I write loan applications daily and know what must be included, as well as how they should be formulated to achieve the best possible result.

My strength is finding solutions that others do not think of, it is therefore important to ask many open questions and not take anything for granted. Most of the people I help are people who have ended up in a financial predicament, where it has gone so far that it could end in a forced sale. In those cases, it’s about keeping a cool head, working in a structured and efficient manner. This is easier for me than for the person who is sitting in the middle of it and is therefore emotionally connected to the situation.

Controlling the finances can be challenging enough for A4 customers with a permanent job, home and children.

Many people are not aware that even those who are struggling with their finances can get good solutions in the bank. In recent years, there have been many banks that specialize in customers who do not have an A4 economy.

Defaulted debts, debt collection, consumer loans and credit cards have become more common than one would think. Fortunately, there are also many opportunities here for you who have found yourself in such a situation. I am very keen to help customers gain control over their finances through budgets, tips and advice, but also to find solutions to challenges that can be turned into opportunities.

Call me, or leave your contact information and I will get in touch for a pleasant and, of course, confidential chat about your personal finances.

Home loans, refinancing and intermediate financing

Mortgages and refinancing can be difficult to understand. What will you get for your home, what should you do in a bidding round, why has your bank said no? If you choose to buy a new home before you have sold the old one, you will need intermediate financing.
I will help you from start to finish, and together we will find the way. We work with many banks and there are therefore many solutions. Get in touch, and I will quickly find out which of our cooperating banks will suit you best – no bank is best for everyone.