Stop forced sales
Contact us today for help!
Get help to avoid foreclosure.
There are several banks and several ways to solve financial challenges, but you need to be able to offer security in housing.
Together with you, we’ll find the bank and the solution that’s best for you.

How can we help you
avoid foreclosure and repossession?
We write the loan application and negotiate with the banks for you
We find a solution to collect debt and reduce your costs
We help you completely free of charge and the offers presented are non-binding
There are several banks that accept to refinance loans with payment remarks.
We work with all these banks and know which one will be best for you.
What is a forced sale of property?
Forced sale of property is a residential sale where the district court carries out the sale together with an assistant. The assistant is a lawyer or a real estate agent. Reasons why a property is required to be forcibly sold can be:
- that the owner of the home has not paid common costs to the condominium or housing association
- that the owner of the home has not paid on his loans at the agreed time, or has not paid on debt collection and loans with payment notices
For the vast majority, petitioning for the forced sale of a home is experienced as very demanding. Being forced to sell the house and move may mean that the children have to change schools, you have to rent instead of owning and for some, a longer journey to work. Financial problems are too embarrassing to talk about, it is difficult to ask for help from friends and family. We are here to help you who have found yourself in a situation where a forced sale of your home has been requested. Since 1993, we have helped tens of thousands of customers find good, financial solutions when it comes to mortgages and refinancing loans with payment notices.
Restart loan
For restart loans , the bank accepts that you have payment notices or debt collection. You must be able to offer security in housing. The restart loan is used to pay off loans with notes and you can consolidate all debts into one loan.
Special loan
Some loan applicants have difficulties in getting a loan approved in traditional banks, even though their income should be good enough to get a loan approved. Special loans can be the solution if you have a lot of consumer debt, are self-employed or have unusual income.
Delete payment notes
Do you have many expensive small loans, want to erase debt collection or perhaps you need assistance to find out who you owe money to? Even if you are at risk of debt settlement or forced sale, there may be solutions.

Do you have a mortgage on your home?
“Vi hjelper deg med å utarbeide en ryddig, saklig og optimalisert lånesøknad – helt kostnadsfritt for deg som kunde.
Som bankenes utstrakte arm betaler de oss for jobben vi gjør.
Vi jobber direkte mot egne team i bankene. På den måten får du som oftest en raskere saksbehandling, enn hvis du søker selv.
Vet du hvordan du skriver en perfekt lånesøknad? – det gjør vi!
Deretter innhenter vi tilbud fra den eller de bankene vi mener passer best for deg; Bank 2, Bluestep, Nordax, Balansebank, Svea og Kraft Bank.“
FAQ – questions and answers about forced sales
The witness/police will read the petition to you where you live. Everyone over the age of 18 who lives in this home will be notified of the petition by post.
If the claim is not paid and you have not submitted any objections, the court can order a forced sale.
The court decides whether the forced sale is to take place as an auction sale, or with the help of a broker/lawyer.
Even if the court has ordered a forced sale, you can sell the home voluntarily. In that case, the ongoing forced sale should be postponed and you must ask for a request for postponement from the plaintiff.
The vast majority of forced sales take place via a lawyer or estate agent. The property is advertised for sale and viewings are held. The process is quite similar to a voluntary home sale. The case ends when the court approves a bid and distributes the purchase price to the creditors and others who may has the right to settlement. In those cases where the owner of the home (the defendant) does not cooperate with the broker/lawyer in connection with the sale of the home, the plaintiff can request that the defendant be evicted from the home on the basis of the Enforcement Act.
If you want and can pay all or part of the claim, you must contact the claimant. If the full claim is paid, the claimant will withdraw the petition. This is where we come into the picture. If we find an opportunity for refinancing, you can pay the entire claim. If you are only able to pay part of the claim, you should ask for a repayment agreement with the claimant, who can then apply for the case to be postponed. It is then important that you follow the payment plan, otherwise the matter will be started again.
You can make objections and the deadline for this is 1 month from the petition being read to you. The court sends the objections to the plaintiff. In most cases, the court decides on the case on the basis of the written presentation.
You can appeal both the decision and the ruling. The appeal deadline for a ruling confirming a bid is 1 month from the date of the ruling.
The appeal deadline for a ruling that distributes the purchase price is 1 month from when the ruling was read to you.