Help to clear up debt
Some people need to collect expensive small loans to reduce the costs of their loans. Others have received a payment notice and want to have it deleted.
Do you need help clearing up debt?
Do you have a lot of expensive small loans, want to erase collection debts or need help finding out who you owe money to?
We can run a credit check for you.
It is important to deal with the problems of clearing up debts before you end up in a situation where foreclosure is the only solution. Even if you have ended up there, we can help you find solutions. Then you need a new financial start.
Eiendomsfinans offers you a personal and free adviser. We never charge you as a customer, we get paid by the banks. This is because we do the job of obtaining correct and collected information about the customer.
We write the loan application for you. We then send this to the banks we think are suitable for you based on your wishes and needs. The offers you receive via Eiendomsfinans are always non-binding.
- You contact us
- After a conversation, we have uncovered your need to clear up debt
- We collect the necessary information and create an optimized loan application
- You receive offers from relevant banks
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Clearing debt requires planning, self-discipline and effort, but the benefits can be significant and lasting.
Benefits of clearing debt:
- Less financial stress: Having debt can lead to significant financial stress. By clearing your debt, you reduce the financial burden and worry.
- Financial freedom: Getting rid of debt gives you greater financial freedom. You will have more control over your finances and can spend the money on what you really want or save for the future.
- Better credit rating: Clearing up debt can improve your credit score. A positive credit rating is important in order to get a loan. It can also affect the possibilities for renting a home or buying a car.
- Lower interest expenses: Debt involves interest expenses, and by paying off or canceling debt, you reduce the expenses. A refinancing with a better interest rate contributes to this.
- Increased financial security: You are less vulnerable to economic downturns, unemployment or unforeseen expenses. This gives you a more solid financial platform.